Thursday, February 17, 2022

Car CRASHES, idiots, and punks (video)

World of Idiots; TSOL (AVJ) ; Seth Auberon, Pfc. Sandoval, Sheldon S. (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

What the fleek?
Officer Cartman has no authority.
L.A. is such a car town, but we're not the worst drivers. Here are some people who are. Don't change lanes from the middle. Watch where you're going! Slow down sometimes. Get out of the way. Traffic is no time to get creative. Keep your head on a swivel for other cars. Kylie, get the hull off the road or get some glasses! There are too many cars, too much profit, too much dependence on a single commodity.

Idiots in Cars #10
(World of Idiots, Feb. 1, 2022) This video is an ultimate car crash compilation, idiots in cars, driving fails, and bad drivers for 2021 (USA, CANADA, UK, AUSTRALIA, and more) in a series that is all about terrible car crashes, idiots in cars, hit and runs, instant karma, near misses, learning how to drive, crazy drivers, brake checks, close calls, supercar fails, rear end fender benders, accidents, funny car fails, dashcam fails, etc.
  • 📷 Submit a dashcam video to be featured:
Punks in Orange County

TSOL had it right when they sang "Man and Machine," and this live fan-made video from Atomic Video Jukebox is a good version of an old punk tune.

Hey, let's go to college and dance. - Cool, Man.
On Feb. 1, 1983, I was at this particular show filmed at Orange Coast College in the OC. The school was hosting a series of "Tuesday Noon Concerts" in the outdoor Quad area on campus, and they hired TSOL to come and perform.

Before the classic punk band started, school administrators were concerned, and they told the band to "keep it tame" -- no profanity, rude gestures, or inciting the crowd to riot. Of course, there were punks that showed up for the "free show," and and they started slam dancing (moshing).

I like it when the boys pogo, slam, and mosh.
It was tame by the standards of a normal punk show, but the school paper jumped on the panicked media bandwagon with all the local news at the time, sensationalizing the "violent" aspect, claiming it was a "riot."

There was no riot, only a handful of kids slamming/moshing in front of the stage. I kept the clipping from the school paper, still have photos of the show, and have one of the few original posters that were found on some of the college walls the week leading up to the show.

Did anyone else make it to this show? Since there wasn't a video for this song online, I decided to make one from video footage filmed that day and marry it with clips from "Deathrace 2000" then sync everything up to a clean, digital track.

The original video footage and audio for the entire show can be found here:

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