Friday, March 25, 2022

COMICS: submit a caption (contest)

Mike Baldwin (, dist. by Andrews McMeel (; Gary Larson; Angel City Zen Center; Seth MacFarlane; Seth Auberon, Ashley Wells, Dhr. Seven (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
(Think you're funny? Put your own caption in the Comments. Winners get bragging rights.)
Now here we have a great comic strip reminiscent of The Far Side by Gary Larson, one of our favorite cartoonists of all time. In it we see two inmates whispering about a fellow top bunker holding two hand puppets that look like twin versions of himself, a pair of Mini Mes. One inmate whispers to the other...?

Let's get the ball rolling with a few ideas:
  • "Don't look now, but I think we can take them."
  • "Oh no, he says he's going to marry the twins."
  • "Did he just say what I think he said?"
  • "Are any of them looking at us?"
  • "Fifteen years and it's come to this."
  • "Which one of them is talking?"
  • "Are you sure about this guy? He's does have two letters of recommendation that speak highly of him."
  • "Keep your voice down! One of them is a snitch."
  • "If we're not careful, we'll end up in the hole [solitary confinement] like those guys."
Angel City Zen Center COMICS

The Far Side returns
When a master cartoonist tackles a subject like rebirth (Gary Larson)
CARTOON: You can't say that! (Family Guy)

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