Thursday, March 17, 2022

The comedy of Irish stereotypes (cartoon)

Editors, Wisdom Quarterly; Seth MacFarlane (Family Guy); The Simpsons; SNL; Diane Jennings
No need to worry about this bloody pandemic. I got it all covered for St. Paddy's Day.

Irish Dating Show: SNL (Saturday Night Live, March 17th) Eileen (Kate McKinnon), Molly (Aidy Bryant), and Siobhan (Cecily Strong) vie for Niall's (Bill Hader) heart on the telly over on the Emerald Isle. #SNL #SNL43

The Irish are so very Zen.
The fighting Irish are a bunch of Catholic Mc's, but who can say so in these dangerous times of universal deceit, where cancel culture rules supreme and Big Brother is watching from all devices? The CIA, FBI, NSA, NSC, FB, Google, IG, TT, SC, and many more "fascists" (which Mussolini defined as the union of corporate and governmental powers) are surveilling us and keeping a permanent record with the help of technology.

It's what the Powers That Be seem to want, and who dares oppose them? So where do Seth MacFarlane and Crew come off making fun of the Irish? Well, okay, it's a cartoon and it's parody. But SNL, who in the 'ell do these Cosmopolitan elites think their mocking? Okay, okay, all's fair in love and laughs.

(Diane Jennings) What do Irish viewers think of SNL's light ribbing?

The Dharma Bum of Ireland and America
A gentle ribbing never hurt nobody. So let's all tip our caps to comedy and not be too PC to enjoy ourselves. Stereotyping may be harmful, but it's funny. And laughter is the best medicine. Get yer filthy prying hands off my medicine.

And always remember, the Irish are so amazing that the first Westerner with the cahones to go to Asia and ordain as a Buddhist monk was Irish, one Laurence Carroll, who became Venerable Dhammaloka in Theravada Buddhist Burma a century ago.

His story is told in The Dharma Bum documentary.

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