Thursday, March 24, 2022

The truth about earth: near death experience

Woman gets told the truth about earth during near death experience (NDE)
(The Other Side NDE, March 22, 2022) ⭐ Had a near death experience? ▶️ Email us about it: We want to know.

What's the big deal? So you die again, so what?
Kat has a rare genetic cardiac condition, Sudden Arrhythmic Death Syndrome (SADS), which is considered deadly. She was born with a faulty electrical system in her body. Generally, the first incident a person with this syndrome experiences is his or her last because of how weakened it makes one in the first place. This led to Kat dying in her sleep. This is her NDE story.

To listen to the full, unedited interview, click here.  For more NDE accounts be sure to watch all of the videos. ► #nde #neardeathexperience #neardeathexperiences

🔴 Watch the original, unedited NDE interview:

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