Monday, March 21, 2022

The Vril Society psychics and Maria Orsic

Vril Society and Maria Orsic (; Eds., Wisdom Quarterly

Psychic Maria Orsic circa 1921
Born October 31, 1895, in Zagreb (Cratia) to a German mother and ballerina from Vienna, the medium and oracle Maria Orsic (with other orthographic variations of the spelling of her surname) was the leader of the Vrilerinnen, the beautiful ladies of the German Vril Society.

Dedicated to the study and practice of metaphysics and the occult, the Vril dames or maidens never cut their hair.

This photo is the most recognizable
They claimed their long strands helped facilitate contact with beings from beyond, particularly extraterrestrials from faraway Aldebaran. They inadvertently helped the Nazis by turning over instructions, written in old Sumerian, on how to build a flying saucer or UFO, which they utilized in the war effort to take over the world. The Nazis succeeded in Antarctica and South America, where they chased U.S. Admiral Byrd and his fleet.  Source

If Trout allowed guys to join the inner circle of the Vril Society, these German youth might.

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