Saturday, March 12, 2022

What about these GAS prices? (video)

Jimmy Dore, Aaron Mate; Ashley Wells, Pfc. Sandoval, Seth Auberon (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
The "Buddha at the Gas Pump" ( is a popular series of interviews.
(Jimmy DoreFunny comedian Serious Christian, mainstream tool Stephen Colbert, war cheerleader?

We don't really have capitalism and a free market. We have monopolies and cartels, corruption that goes far and deep and right to the top. Will warmongering against President Putin and Russia drive prices up? Then let's talk about the importance of the USA bringing democracy and freedom to all parts of the world...except the parts we daily ignore, you know, the ones in Africa and the Middle East we bring misery to, the way we squeeze nations and oppose populist leftwing leaders who rise up promising to help the common people. We want puppets and favorable trading partners everywhere -- in Ukraine, South America, Asia... -- and we'll take corrupt officials to get it.

  • Instead of complaining, let's do something about it! But what?
  • Stop driving OR start finding the cheapest gas (independent outlets, ARCO, Valero) using websites (like that say where the cheapest gas in any area is.
  • Alcohol Can Be a Gas! [in normal gasoline-powered cars] proves author David Blume, with no special danger.
  • Alcohol Can Be a Gas!: Fueling an Ethanol Revolution for the 21st Century (David Blume, Michael Winks, R. Buckminster (FWS) Fuller
  • Favor gas stations that charge even a penny less than their neighbors. This collectively drives prices down as stations chase customers.
  • Improve efficiency: tune up, check tire pressure, clean air-filter, purchase economy vehicles (avoiding the electric vehicles being forced down our throats), using synthetic oil (made from natural gas), slow down and drive sanely rather than erratically.
  • Read alternative media to find out the Big Oil (the petroleum industry) always PLANNED to get US gas prices to an average of $5 a gallon in the U.S. We're almost there.
  • It's surprising it took them this long to maneuver us there. Why? There already is much greater fuel economy technology (easily exceeding 50 MPG, like the decades-old Honda CR-Z that reached this milestone in the 1980s).
  • Elect someone better than a member of the Money Party with its two wings, left and right (Democrat and Republican). Go Green, or any other third party.
  • Realize that these high prices are due to price gouging, not reality. For example, the day this past week that the price of a barrel of oil went down, prices went up by a record amount. It's speculation, hoarding, and panic buying -- promoted by vendors out to gouge the public because of lax oversight and regulations.
  • GasTalk Podcast about gas and LNG (

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