Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Cute: Animals in Buddhism! (video)

Robert E Fuller, The Dodo, 2/22/21; Crystal Q., CC Liu, Dhr. Seven (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Tiny baby stoat has the best reaction when it meets someone like her
(The Dodo) At less than four weeks old, "Whisper" was abandoned by her mom. Robert Fuller cared for her around the clock, but what she really needed was a friend like her. Then another baby stoat named "Stuart" came along. Watch the moment they meet. Check out more of Robert E Fuller's work on YouTube:
The Buddhist view of animals
Wikipedia entry corrected, edited, and expanded by Wisdom Quarterly
Animals have always been regarded in Buddhism as sentient (feeling) beings.

They possess "Buddha nature" (according to the Mahāyāna school of Buddhism), which is the eventual potential for enlightenment.

Moreover, the doctrine of rebirth holds that any human can be reborn as an animal, and any animal can be reborn as a human.

An animal might be a reborn dead relative, and anybody who looked far back enough through his or her series of past lives would come to believe every animal to be a distant relative. For it is said that it is difficult to ever meet anyone with whom we have not already shared all relationships.

Help me or I'll go feral and die soon.
The Buddha taught that sentient beings currently living in the animal realm have in the past been our mothers, brothers, sisters, fathers, children, friends, and more in past rebirths.

One cannot, therefore, make a hard distinction between moral rules applicable to animals and those applicable to humans. Ultimately, humans and animals are part of a single collection of beings. We are all interconnected.

The Bumblebee Bat! | Bio-aerial Locomotion
In cosmological terms, animals are said to inhabit a distinct "world" (loka), separated from humans not by space but by state of mind. Their world is called tiryag-yoni in Sanskrit (Pāli tiracchāna-yoni, "the animal womb or body").

Rebirth as an animal is considered to be one of the unfortunate rebirths, part of the downfall, as it usually involves more suffering than the human loka.

Buddhist commentarial texts depict many sufferings associated with being reborn in the animal world: Even where no human beings are present, animals are attacked and eaten by other animals or live in constant fear of it, they endure extreme changes of environment throughout the year, and they have no security of habitation.

This sucks being treated like this. Let me go.
Those animals that live among humans are often imprisoned and slaughtered for their bodies to be devoured or taken and forced to work, being beaten until they are murdered at the end of their short lives.

Moreover, they suffer from ignorance, not knowing or understanding with any clarity what is happening to them or why. And they are unable to do much about it, acting on instinct. More

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