Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Gottlieb Native Plant Garden, Beverly Hills

Interview with Susan Gottlieb and Scott Logan

(Theodore Payne, 4/15/21) With sweeping views of downtown Los Angeles, lush plants, and stylish paths and hardscapes, the Gottlieb Native Garden is a glamourous landscape.

Hillsides make the best natural gardens.
And the stars of this space are the animals who call it home. More than 400 wildlife species have been documented on this property, a much greater density and diversity than would be found in any conventional residential landscape. The water features, habitat nests, and over 200 types of plants are carefully curated to create a haven for Southern California biodiversity. Explore the terraced hillsides and vibrant plantings of this iconic garden by tour. The Native Plant Garden Tour takes place periodically. For tickets see
Thanks to Oak and Sage level sponsors: LA Native Plant Source, Gottleib Native Garden, KPCC FM, Metropolitan Water District, and the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power.

Gottlieb was in the Theodore Payne Tour and at the LA Times Festival of Books last weekend

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