Sunday, May 15, 2022

Christian secret doctrine: sex (Alan Watts)

Let us pray. And, oh, by the way, forgive me, Church Fathers.
Misogyny or guilty homosexuality?
Christianity is a fun religion, not in any overt way, very dour and guilt inducing. But the entire backdrop is one of shame, sin, humiliation, and BDSM where necessary (at least self-flagellation). Here Zen Buddhist teacher and former Episcopalian (Anglican, Church of England) priest Alan Watts recounts his experience with the British Church (a kind of Catholic offshoot independent of the Vatican that mercifully allows divorce). What is the great spiritual secret revealed to neophytes being inducted into the mysteries of the great world religion? Masturbation. Don't do it. Don't even think it! Put it right out of your mind. Remember, don't think about it at all, even as it is mentioned here. And for God's sakes, don't you and your teenage friends give in to this great evil, which causes all manner of disease, maladies, mental and physical, including the Siberian Itch.

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