Friday, May 20, 2022

To Scale: The Solar System (video)

Wylie Overstreet, Alex Gorosh (To Scale); Seth Auberon, Pfc. Sandoval (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
It's beautiful art, manipulated photography. We get no raw photos, just CGI and touchups.

To Scale: The Solar System
(To Scale, 9/16/15) On a dry lakebed in Nevada, a group of friends build the first scale model of the solar system with complete planetary orbits as taught to them in high school: a true illustration of our place in the galaxy if not the universe. A film by Wylie Overstreet ( and Alex Gorosh (

NASA makes and publishes CGIs of earth.
What if NASA is deceiving us as many point out? Bubbles in space, bad photography, cover ups, contradictions. For example, Russian scientists long ago published their allegation that our moon is in the atmosphere, not a quarter million miles away. And no scientist ever debunked them. All those creatures and anomalies on Mars...What if someone were to look at the data and dare to question? Sounds like a job for Eric DubayRichard C. Hoagland, or Dr. Steven Greer, MD (

The problem is the size and color of continents and oceans change constantly. These aren't pix.

Feel like supporting more films like this? Consider becoming a Patron: Watch in Russian:  Help caption and translate this short film: Copyright (C) 2015.

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