Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Megadeth: Does CIA start ALL wars?

Jimmy Dore; Megadeth; ABC News; Pfc. Sandoval, Ashley Wells, S, Auberon, Wisdom Quarterly
Death's corporate backers have a meeting to discuss how they'll divide profits from next war.

WARNING: Gratuitous videogame-style violence in service of state-sponsored terrorism and war!

I made a deal with the CIA to fight China.
Christian witch Dave Mustaine (founder of Metallica and Megadeth) loves war, wants to promote war and deadly fighting, wants to profit (through music sales) from a fever for war currently overtaking the US.

We're bombarded with constant "2 Minutes Hate" (1984) segments aimed at Russian President Putin in the mainstream media.

Slanted stories try to get public opinion to favor sending Ukraine billions as payment for being a sacrificial lamb for Western imperialism and NATO expansion.

This new Megadeth song is all about getting American kids fired up for war and glory, dulce et decorum est, getting them to sign on the dotted line, to send them out as "government issue" (G.I.) to serve as pawns in another in military-industrial complex money-making scheme.

Some people keep coming out ahead (Dick Cheney, Warren Buffett, Bill Gates, Mark Z, Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos...), making money hands over fist. Why not old man Mustaine?

(ABC News) Dave Mustaine, founder of Metallica and Megadeth knows Devil

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