Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Science: Hidden world found under Antarctica

Joshua Hawkins (BGR via, 6/15/22); Eds., Wisdom Quarterly
Hidden world under Antarctica, Mt. Vinson, Sentinel Range, Ellsworth Mountains (©BGR)
Scientists discovered a hidden world ecosystem under Antarctica
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Antarctica is often considered the coldest, driest, and iciest place on Earth. Yet somehow life continues to find a way.

While global temperature changes may be fueling the melting of the polar ice caps [and flooding in some places, drought in others], there is something worth celebrating in the arctic.

Scientists have recently discovered a hidden world underneath Antarctica -- a world that’s teeming with life!

The hidden world was found over 1,640 feet below the surface of the ice in Antarctica. After drilling a hole through the ice, scientists dropped a camera into the hole.

At the bottom, they noticed multiple blurry, tiny specks flashing in front of the video feed. More

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