Saturday, June 25, 2022

The Empty Cloud Ascetics of NJ (video)

Bhante and Ayya (, 6/24/22); edited and commented on by Wisdom Quarterly

After the tudong, with nun Ayya Soma and monk Bhante Suddhaso
(Buddhist Insights, streamed live on June 24, 2022) Non-binary Italian Buddhist nun Ayya Soma and Abbot Ven. Suddhaso describe their experience practicing [a] tudong (carika) ["walking tour," the wandering of "wandering ascetics" or sramanas] for ten days in Italy, though they would seem in violation of the Monastic Disciplinary Code (Vinaya) by being male and female companions, apparently alone, even if they're both gay, giving rise to the appearance of impropriety, which is also a violation if masquerading as ordained, celibate Buddhist monastics (even if they don't actually do anything) and her non-binary status?

The sane ascetic practices (called tudong in Thai and dhutanga in Pali) are meant to effectively address the predominant defilements present in a person as pointed out by his or her teacher. Undertaking them all or haphazardly, if that is what is being done, is a mistake and diagnosing oneself is another mistake. But it is an experience everyone should have to become aware of the defilements the mind/heart is steeped in most of the time with no way to address them.
  • Viewers are so moved that they write in:
Scott Bartel
(Scott Bartel) "Dear venerables, your story gives rise to quaking and rejoicing of the heart and mind. It truly is a blessing that you have arrived back to us to share your story with us. I cannot express the profound effect this story has had on me."

zenbuddha420(Crab Apple) Why does Ayya Soma keep laughing and looking away so uncomfortably? This makes her hard to listen to and look at. Ayya, might there be some way to learn self-restraint or perhaps do something to address this nervousness and discomfort in front of the camera? We, too, would like to enjoy Dhamma, particularly from a feminist perspective, but if we have to turn away from your disrespectful laughter, how will we? This whole endeavor is your partnership. Please do something to better it. Thank you. 🙏

Vivian TruongVivian Truong (edited) Welcome back, Ayya Soma and Bhante Suddhaso! Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts and experience from your trip to Italy.

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