Sunday, June 19, 2022

Twice weekly UCLA MARC meditation (M+Th)

UCLA has a Mindful Awareness Research Center (MARC). It offers mindfulness, meditation, and mindfulness-meditation instructions on Mondays and Thursdays at 12:30 pm: Drop-in Meditation at UCLA

FREE (ONLINE) DROP-IN sessions are led by Diana Winston, Dr. Marvin Belzer, and other MARC teachers: Drop-in Meditations (Hammer Podcast) - UCLA Mindful Awareness Research Center - Los Angeles, CA (

Mindfulness (sati, bare awareness, presence of mind, vigilant attention, witnessing, detached attentiveness) is the moment-by-moment process of openly accepting and dispassionately observing our physical, emotional, and mental experiences free of our customary clinging, rejecting, or reacting with delusion to them.

"Right mindfulness," which the Buddha called samma-sati, has scientific support. It improves attention, reduces stress, boosts mood and immunity, reduces emotional reactivity, and promotes health and well-being.

Mindfulness done incorrectly can be harmful, so learn it correctly.

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