Sunday, July 3, 2022

Massive Buddhist stupa in Sedona, AZ

Amitabha Stupa (; Ananda (Dharma Buddhist Meditation), Wisdom Quarterly

What's so special about Sedona?
Sedona, Arizona's Amitabha [Buddha] Stupa and Peace Park is a must-visit destination for spiritual seekers the world over.

The Buddhist reliquary burial mound is an outdoor venue for meditation, prayer, and spiritual renewal for people of all faiths.

In the park one finds two Buddhist stupas, a Native American medicine wheel, an exquisite wooden statue of the historical Shakyamuni Buddha, and numerous quiet spots for meditation and quiet contemplation.

Experience peace in a quiet, sacred setting. The Amitabha Stupa is open every day and visits are free of charge. The stupa is supported totally by visitor donations.

The Amitabha Stupa is on private property and is owned by Kunzang Palyul Choling, a Vajryana Buddhist temple in Poolesville, MD. Use of the property by tour guides and other business or commercial entities requires permission. More

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