Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Searching for love to escape ourselves (TED)

Searching for love to escape ourselves | Hayley Quinn | TEDxUniversityofNevada
(TEDx Talks, 2/12/16) Love, sex, and dating are often venerated as "the ultimate goal of life." However much of our quest for love is
  • about avoiding being with ourselves?
  • about facing reality?
  • about creating our own direction?
And in running away from ourselves through love, do we ultimately avoid the work needed to return to selfhood that will actually bring us happiness?

ABOUT: Hayley Quinn is the UK’s leading dating expert. She has helped hundreds of thousands of men and women re-think their love lives. A graduate in English and psychoanalysis from UCL, Quinn set up her own company as a reaction to encountering the "pick up artist" culture and working as a ghostwriter for characters from the New York Times bestseller The Game. An advocate of real-life dating skills, she’s used her websites (hayleyquinn.com) and her online member’s clubs to show people that there’s more to life than meeting someone on Tinder. She’s been a featured expert for numerous international TV shows and has had a Channel 4 Cutting Edge documentary, BiCurious Me, based around her explorations into sexuality and relationships. She has also written for Cosmopolitan, The Independent, The Telegraph, and regularly provides social experiment vlogs to news sites.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at ted.com/tedx.

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