Sunday, July 3, 2022

Vegans vs. Carnivores? What's better, doctor?

Dr. Michael Greger: Meat Die-it vs. Vegan Live-it: Is it better to eat meat or be vegan?
(London Real, 11/3/19) Dr. Michael Greger is a physician, bestselling author, and speaker who advocates a plant-based, whole foods diet to reverse and prevent fatal disease and illness.

Dr. Greger is a graduate of Cornell University and the Tufts University School of Medicine, and his New York Times bestselling book How Not To Die examines the 15 top causes of death in America.

He has appeared in numerous documentary films including “What the Health,” “Prescription: Nutrition,” and “Eating You Alive.”

Dr. Greger’s website has thousands of videos giving research-based advice about specific foods and health-related issues.
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