Saturday, July 9, 2022

Why cheat? Why not just end it?

Dennis Manning (; Ashley Wells, Crystal Q. (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Why do people cheat instead of just ending the relationship?
It’s because there is that little devil sitting on one shoulder saying, “I can get sex from two people as opposed to one. And all I got to do is keep quiet [lie by omission].”

The angel on the other shoulder is saying, “This isn’t right.”

So the person and the devil both turn to the angel and say, “Shut up. Sex with two people.”

The angel retorts, “What happens if your significant other finds out?”

Devil replies, “We’ll just make an excuse that my significant other has not met my needs. He or she will either step up his or her game and I get more sex or release me to my affair partner for more sex. Win/win for us.”

Angel says, “But what if….”

Person and devil throw angel to the ground and stomp him.

“I told you to shut the hell up! Sex with TWO people!!!” Source

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