Friday, August 5, 2022

Abraham Hicks: Soulmate by Law of Attraction

Esther Hicks/Abraham Hicks; Kelly Ani, Dhr. Seven (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Abraham Hicks - Being True to Yourself! Your Soulmate Will Enter Your Life! By Law of Attraction!
(Personal Growth Channel, Aug. 4, 2022) Trust the inner knowing of what feels right. Follow your bliss. One of the things that Abraham Hicks teaches is to trust our inner knowing.

This can be difficult, especially when we're feeling anxious or unsure about what to do next. But if we've ever tried to listen to our inner guidance system and found it difficult (or even impossible) then this may be a good time for some reassurance that it's okay not always being able to hear what it wants you to do — and sometimes ignoring it completely will just mean that something else happens instead!

When we say "trust" here, we don't mean blindly following every impulse without thinking through the consequences; rather than taking action because those impulses tell us there's no harm done in doing so. (for example, eating an entire pint of ice cream), we mean trusting that if we feel like something isn't right for us or within ourselves then there must be another way forward which makes more sense than going along with whatever seems like an obvious decision at the moment.

The point of power is in the present. Our job is to think the thoughts that feel good, and the rest will take care of itself. It's not up to us to control what other people think or do — we can't even affect their behavior.

We have one life (well, maybe two if we count our soul), so we need to focus on living it as well as possible. And if someone else's actions cause pain in our life, that's something for them to deal with on their own accord — not ours! Joy is an inside job. We can't give it or get it from another person. We all have the ability to choose joy every day, but we don't always do it because we're so busy and distracted that we forget all about feeling happy or excited.

Joy is not a feeling; it's a state of being, our choice! We deserve what we want, and we can have it. It's as simple as that, right? That's all there is to it. It doesn't matter what situation or circumstance we find ourselves in — we deserve the good things in life, including health, happiness, and peace of mind.

There are no limits on what we can achieve if we set our minds to something and put our hearts into achieving it!

Conclusion: We’re not saying that happiness is easy. Happiness is a choice, and we have to learn how to choose it. We have to think about what makes us feel good and start doing that more often. But with practice, our intuition will improve so much that we can become intuitive by nature. And then, when something comes along that doesn’t feel right or good enough for us — which happens all the time — we’ll know exactly what needs attention without even having to ask ourselves how it feels or why! 

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