Friday, August 5, 2022

Scientists open portal to other dimension

Scientists finally found a way to open a portal to another dimension
(Cosmos Lab, June 14, 2022) On June 16, 2016, CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research in Geneva, started a project to accelerate charged particles.

Ten days later, photographer Christophe Suarez posted a series of photographs of the skies above CERN. Those jaw-dropping photos showed the formation of strange clouds and were evidence that the biggest experiment in the world is about to tear up a portal to another [possibly hellish] universe.

Up until now, we have only seen such incidents in the movies, but now after witnessing it in reality, people are not only concerned but scared if the scientists really have found a way to open a portal to another world. What will happen next?

Are we goiņg to be destroyed or meet ourselves in another dimension? But what really is of everyone's concern is the comeback of CERN. Nobody knows the secrets it holds, and today we will try to unravel the hidden truth about the gateway to the parallel universe.

The European Organization for Nuclear Research, known by its French acronym CERN, is something we hear about when there is some news about a newly discovered subatomic particle. It is the world's largest particle physics lab, and it has the biggest accelerator in the world, the LHC, or Large Hadron Collider.

The credit for being the biggest goes to its circular tunnel of nearly 17 miles, or 27 kilometers in circumference. The LHC, like all physics experiments, tries to test theoretical predictions and find whether any are flawed. It enables atoms to be smashed together with even greater power at nearly the speed of light, allowing it to recreate conditions comparable to those experienced during the universe's beginning.

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