Monday, August 29, 2022

Self-defeating behaviors hold old traumas

These self-defeating behaviors keep old childhood traumas alive and activated
Don't make me cry. I just calmed down.
(Crappy Childhood Fairy) Aug. 29, 2022. Most treatments for childhood trauma focus on what was done TO us. What we also need to heal are the behaviors that are SO common for people who grew up abused or neglected -- behaviors that sabotage our lives and our healing work right now in the present.

Have CPTSD (complex or childhood post-traumatic stress disorder)? Free tools: New Programs Open Now:

Best Online Course for Beginners:

Why did they do that to me as a child?! That was a long time ago. What am I doing now?

  • Contact Anna and Her Team:
  • PARTNER PROGRAMS (that receive commissions on referrals and recommend services Anna knows and trusts.)
  • NEED ONLINE THERAPY? BetterHelp can connect participants with a licensed, online therapist.
  • NEED HEALING FOR OVEREATING? Here's the program to follow:

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