Monday, August 29, 2022

Spain's Buddhist cave meditation community

Beth Upton (, Sanditthika Community on FB; Dhr. Seven (ed.), Wisdom Quarterly

Guru Viking, you ask the best questions!
Beth Upton is coming to the end of her brief time in the UK and heading to Spain. She is happy to let everyone know that she will be taking a well-deserved break offline for a personal retreat from August 15th-22nd and will be back online from the 23rd onwards.

Sanditthika Meditation Center | Facebook
As well as looking forward to time offline, she is excited to get to Spain to continue working on the new community home. They are currently fundraising for Sanditthika Meditation Community (Join the community – Beth Upton), and she is delighted to announce that they are already nearly two-thirds of the way to reaching their target of 30,000 euros!

Thanks to all who have already offered generous support to this Dharma project. They will be busy this summer using donations to work on the legal and administrative side of the project, in preparation for their second round of fundraising, such that we can move forward with buying the land as soon as possible.

For those who have not yet done so, please consider making a donation. If unable to offer financial support, then support the cause by spreading the word far and wide.

Guru Viking, ginger interviews (
In other news, she wants to let everyone know that she recently recorded a podcast with Guru Viking. It is always a pleasure to be interviewed by him, as one can count on him to raise some interesting topics.

In this podcast they touch on topics such as community, finding a natural balance in practice, and her sex life.

Tuesday August 9th will be the next group interview. These online sessions offer the chance not only to ask questions about one's own meditation, but also to listen and learn from the questions of others.

These group sessions are open to everyone and are also a good option if one is having difficulty booking a one-on-one Zoom appointment with her. Book a place at the group interviews up to a month in advance.

On Friday August 12th, 8:00-10:00 pm UK time, she will be hosting the next full moon gathering. These gatherings are a great opportunity to come together to deepen our connections to the Dharma and to each other.

This month's gathering will be on the topic of anger and its role in our Dharma practice. Everyone is welcome! Book a place at the gathering. Although she is taking a week offline in August, there will still be plenty of availability later in the month.

Book a regular one-on-one Zoom appointment with her up to two weeks in advance. As ever, all of Beth Upton's work is given on a donation basis. For information about some ways in which she and her work can be supported, take a look at

With much metta and gratitude

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