Wednesday, September 28, 2022

FREE 3-Day mini-course for women (10/11)

Jen Bradford (Dharma Buddhist Meditation), Ashley Wells (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly; Golden Gabi/Gabija Trybyte (FREE 3-Day Conscious Relationship Course for Women Only)

Come join this FREE 3-Day mini-course for women wanting to find deeply meaningful relationships.

This course is for singles and women who are currently in unfulfilling relationships, looking to get out responsibly.

The reason we are unable to attract a suitable partner into our life is due to unconscious blockages we have towards relationships, which are primarily the result of traumatic and painful experiences we have experienced in the past.

Let's learn how to recognize our own patterns and blockages and overcome our fears so that we will be open to new and meaningful relationships.

✨ Three consecutive 1-hour live sessions starting on Tuesday, October 11 at 8:00 pm GMT

  • 1. Welcome and Hellos (10 mins.)
  • 2. Topic Deep Dive (45 mins.)
  • 3. Q&A and Discussion (15 mins.)
  • 4. Wrapping Up (5 mins.)
What we'll cover
✅ Day 1 (Tuesday, Oct. 11th @ 8:00 pm) The real reason career women do not attract their ideal partner or end up in relationships that are draining and incompatible.
✅ Day 2 (Wednesday, Oct. 12th @ 8:00 pm) Healing from old relationship narratives to create space, for new healthy ones. Saying Yes to the relationship we want to create.
✅ Day 3 (Thursday, Oct. 13th @ 8:00 pm) Developing emotional intelligence and self-awareness for successful, long-lasting relationships.
🔷Interactive Online Workshop: This is an interactive online workshop and a great way to chat and connect with like-minded women. Participants are encouraged to share stories and connect with each other. To join, click attended and then be able to simply click the link on the righthand side.

🔷Facilitator: Golden Gabi Holistic Health & Embodied Leadership Guide, Trauma Informed Healing Facilitator, Motivational Speaker Trained in Mind-Body Therapies, NLP and Holistic Nutrition, BSc (Hons) Neuroscience, Psychology Gabija Trybyte ("Golden Gabi") has been transforming people's lives ever since she realized that working in a laboratory, surrounded by lab coats and test tubes for a doctoral degree in neuroscience wasn’t quite her soul's purpose.

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