Monday, September 26, 2022

How to Meditate (SRF) and Diwali (video); Jen Bradford (Dharma Buddhist Meditation), Ashley Wells (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Is this the way up Mt. Meditate?
The author of Autobiography of a Yogi gave personal instructions on how to practice the science of Kriya Yoga meditation, taken from the classes he gave to Americans for more than 30 years.

They are presented in detail in the "Self-Realization Fellowship Lessons."

The Lessons provide his practical guidance and techniques for attaining balanced physical, mental, and spiritual well-being — the health, healing, success, and harmony that yoga bestows on every aspect of life.

Maha Avatar Babaji, Kriya Yogi
These "how-to-live" principles are an essential component of any truly successful meditation practice. If not enrolled in the Lessons, find on these pages some basic instructions on how to meditate.

They can be used right away to begin experiencing the peace and communion with the Divine (the deva planes) that meditation brings. More: A Beginner’s Meditation (SRF)
Join in commemorating the mahasamadhi (great stillness and passing) of Lahiri Mahasaya, Monday evening, Sept. 26 and Friday evening, Sept. 30, commemorating his birth. Both services begin at 8:00 pm and are preceded with a group meditation beginning at 6:30 pm.

Diwali (Festival of Lights, Oct. 22)
Say "om* (aum)
SRF Glendale Temple presents Diwali, The Hindu Festival of Lights, which signifies the victory of light over darkness, good over evil, shining knowledge over dull ignorance. SRF will have a delicious vegetarian Indian dinner, followed by Chai and Chatter, a Kirtan (call and response singing), and a shortened version of Glimpses of a Life Divine. Doors open at 5:00 pm, dinner served at 5:30 pm. Tickets go on sale in the West Lobby on Sunday, Oct. 2, after the Sunday Service. Lots of vo
lunteers needed for this event (get in free). Sign up West Lobby board.

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