Sunday, September 25, 2022

Seinfeld: Are you an Anti-Dentite? ✡ (comedy)

I. Rony* (ed.), Wisdom Quarterly; Emily Sigalow; Brain Cranston (dentist Tim Whatley), Seinfeld
May I be funny? - It's not recommended. - It's not disallowed? - Well, no, but do your studies.

American JewBu (E. Sigalow)
According to researcher Emily Sigalow: Today, many Jewish Americans are embracing a dual religious identity, practicing Buddhism while also staying connected to the Jewish roots they were born into.

The book American JewBu tells the story of Judaism's encounter with Buddhism in the United States, showing how it has given rise to new contemplative forms within American Judaism ― and shaped the way Americans understand and practice Buddhism.

Taking readers from the 19th century to today, Sigalow traces the history of these two traditions in America and explains how they came together.

She argues that the distinctive social position of American Jews led them to their unique engagement with Buddhism and describes how they incorporate aspects of both Judaism and Buddhism into their everyday lives.

Sometimes I care more what happens in the CIA's Israel than I do about the US of A at home.
If only Buddhism could be funny!
Drawing on a wealth of original in-depth interviews conducted across the nation, Sigalow explores how Jewish American Buddhists experience their dual religious identities.

She reveals how Jewish Buddhists confound prevailing expectations of minority religions in America. Rather than simply adapting to the majority religion, Jews and Buddhists have borrowed and integrated elements from each other, and in doing so they have left an enduring mark on the American consciousness.

American JewBu highlights the leading role that American Jews have played in the popularization of meditation and mindfulness -- Theravada vipassana (insight meditation) and more so all forms of Tibetan Buddhism (Shambhala) and Nicheren "chanting for what you want" Buddhism (a Pure Land shortcut) -- in the US.

Sigalow also examines the profound impact these two venerable traditions have had on one another. More

*What is irony?
Irony definition: Different types of irony in literature (

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