Monday, September 12, 2022

Jewish Buddhist LOVE: Zen (Shinzen Young)

Shinzen Young (YouTube); CC Liu, Pat Macpherson, Ananda (DBM) (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

After Enlightenment? Love deeply and act effectively - Shinzen Young
What do these ten pictures represent?
(Shinzen Videos) Los Angeles JuBu Shinzen Young weaves stories of the famous Ox Herding pictures and various impressive bodhisattvas ("beings bent on supreme enlightenment") -- including a Holocaust survivor and Buddhist activist, and a "marathon monk" he has known and been influenced by, to get to the true point of this Buddhist practice.
I'm a Jewish Buddhist (JuBu).
Go to for more information on Shinzen Young and his teachings -- including meditation retreats, blog, speaking engagements, and writings.

Home Practice Program includes live monthly phone teachings. Life Practice Program includes live 45 minutes of Shinzen Young guiding practitioners to help their lives. 

Core Free Introduction to Unified Mindfulness recorded and edited by Stephanie
This is a re-posting of a video that was added on 7/7/17, which had over 400 views in less than 20 hours, but a slight edit had to be made, and this repost is the new video.

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