Sunday, October 23, 2022

Albert Einstein's Theory of Happiness

Aira Misty (, 10/20/22); Seth Auberon, Dhr. Seven, Ananda (DBM), Wisdom Quarterly

Albert Einstein explained his Theory of Happiness in a simple handwritten letter
I like being goofy. I failed at math.
When one thinks of the most famous geniuses to ever get famous on earth, Albert Einstein is likely to come to mind.

His work in physics [which made life-destroying atomic bombs possible] not only earned him a Nobel Prize but aided humanity as a whole make strides in understanding the particle (Buddhist material kalapa), the world, and the universe [or at least formulating endless theories about these three levels of reality].

Albert Einstein on...Buddhism for World Peace and Humanity (Facebook)

The Buddha, Einstein, and Fake News (BudBlooms)
But even Einstein understood that to understand the world and humans' place in it, we must also understand ourselves. What happens inside of us has a direct impact on the outside world. [Who would blow up Japan unless he was really, really mad or callously insensitive to the suffering of other humans?]

To be able to make positive changes within it, we must first make positive ones for ourselves, starting with figuring out how to be happy.

Einstein's Theory of Happiness might have the answer to that, too! Maybe the answer is found in numerology says about our life using only our birth date (or with just that information, maybe astrology has the answer). More: Einstein's Theory of Happiness

Buddha and Einstein Walk into a Bar: How New Discoveries About Mind, Body, and Energy Can Help Increase Longevity
Author Guy Joseph Ale (3.7 out of 5 stars with 7 ratings); Eds., Wisdom Quarterly
Buddha and Einstein Walk...
Buddha and Einstein Walk into a Bar
presents the revolutionary idea that sensing how long we can live is a latent capacity (potential) in us, currently unknown, just like the introduction of fire, the invention of flying, and the discovery of radio waves were before we “discovered” them.

Understand how the knowledge of transcendence, consciousness, and self-healing are integral to our well-being. We could drive a car without a fuel gauge, but knowing how much gas we have clearly gives us more control of the vehicle.

Einstein Questions, Buddha Answers
Using the latest breakthroughs in cosmology, neuroplasticity, super-string theory, and epigenetics, Buddha and Einstein Walk into a Bar helps us master our entire system of mind, body, and energy and provides practical tools to help us live our longest and healthiest life.

Readers will learn Lifespan Seminar’s multiple-award-winning tools of:
  • Exercises that align the different systems of the body.
  • Mindfulness and meditation—to relieve daily stress.
  • Good nutrition—simple rules sustainable for a lifetime.
  • Proper rest—for peak mental and physical performance.
  • Active lifestyle—to stay vibrant through the entire lifespan.

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