Friday, October 14, 2022

Blame Black Lives Matter (Candace Owens)

Candace Owens (, 10/22; Pfc. Sandoval, Ashley Wells (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

All lives won't matter until Black lives matter.
Black journalist Candace Owen (Uncle Tom?) dares to question the sacrosanct Black Lives Matter organization. If we can all agree that the motives of the movement are good, is the organization guilty of malfeasance, embezzlement, and stealing? It could be. A good motive for a movement does not mean a good governing body. Is somebody putting Owens up to taking down a Black power movement to advance herself as an "objective" and sanitized (Becky, Clarence Thomas-style) sellout? It could be. It's worth an investigation to explain the fact that BLM made 80 million in contributions, tugging at the heartstrings of guilty and sympathetic citizens of a very racist country. The Greatest Lie Ever Sold? BLM is rotten at the core while still good at what it preaches, or Candace Owens has much to answer for going after a good organization and not touching actual wrongdoing in the country.

The killer cops who murdered George Floyd opened up a can of worms we still suffer from.

Can answer these documented allegations or just appeal to emotions?

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