Thursday, October 27, 2022

Exorcisms, witches, and nuns (video)

I'm not ugly! The negative spirits are!
(Coast to Coast) Sister Lucie Sophie Marie (formerly Lucie Bellerive) assists Father Angelakis in exorcisms and paranormal investigations.

Father Plato Angelakis is an ordained Orthodox Catholic priest who presides as archbishop of the Holy Order of Saint Michael the Archangel in Canada.

They talk about their work as real exorcists and as members of the Ottawa Paranormal Research and Investigation Team, where they strive to bring help to those afflicted by demonic and other negative entities.
Watch horror movies to get oppressed, infested.
The archbishop said they work on cases of possession and lesser stages of demonic interactions such as oppression (which can include paranormal activity such as objects flying off walls), infestation, and attachment.

The types of exorcisms they conduct make use of clairvoyantly gifted people and energy workers like Sister Lucie herself. To perform their services, they seek out afflicted individual's consent before working with them.

Pagan witch to Catholic sister: Meet Sister Keeyah Lynn Frances

(Queens of Sacred Kaleidoscope) Oct. 18, 2022. Sister Keeyah Lynn Frances is a mystic sister, Reiki master, auxiliary exorcist, and religious consultant for NESPR (New England Society for Psychic Research). Edited by Lucie Bellerive ( #sisterhood #pagan #witch #spiritualdeliverance #reiki

That kid is acting weird by acting out.
Sister Lucie helps prepare a home for their exorcism ritual, using spoken blessings, holy water, anointing oils, and surrounding the location with purifying salt. "I also support the client with the laying [on] of the hands and praying during the ritual," she states, adding that she uses Reiki and pranic ("holy spirit," animating breath energy, chi) healing modalities to replace the void or entity with a higher energy frequency.

She notes that having a woman present at an exorcism can add a feeling of comfort, especially if the victim is female.

Father Angelakis described one case of a woman who hadn't eaten in 30 days, showed incredible strength, pushing the group away during the ritual. More + AUDIO

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