Saturday, October 22, 2022

Instead of death, near-death meditation (video)

Scott M. Taylor, Ed.D. (; Seth Auberon, Pfc. Sandoval, Wisdom Quarterly

The brain can be tracked.
Why Near Death Experience? Near-death experiencers, called NDErs, have provided a rich map of the nonphysical universe. The millions who have had made this journey describe it with awe and wonder.

NDErs are profoundly changed by the experience. We can be, too ― thanks to the transformative power of near-death meditations.

Join Scott Taylor on a guided tour into the sacred realms of the near-death experience ― via Near-Death Experience Meditation retreats or albums that can be used at a time and place that is most convenient.
  • Register for upcoming NDE Zoom Retreat January 15-20
Scott M. Taylor, Ed.D., is America's foremost facilitator of near-death meditations and retreats, having helped thousands explore the journey of transition. More

"The NDE program brought clarity to the rules of the physical and nonphysical worlds in order to act with conscious choice! …What I discovered was all there is, is LOVE. Until I experienced it in the nonphysical, I have felt only a morsel of its grandeur. My hope is that others will have the same opportunity to experience eternity now."
— Michele Blair

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