Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Killer Alec Baldwin has 7th child (video)

Mike MacRae, Jimmy Dore (TJDS); Pat Macpherson, Pfc. Sandoval (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Mr. and Mrs. Alec Baldwin welcome SEVENTH baby. Hilaria (a.k.a. Hillary Hayward Thomas of Boston), who identifies as Latina/Hispanic, is trying to live up to the stereotype accompanying both Irish and Latin cultures, lots and lots of kids.

Many children were needed to boost childhood survival rates, work the family fields, join the military for the ruling elite, and engage in sexual horseplay of clerics for the enrichment of the Vatican and official Catholic Church world domination plans.

Before he shot that person on the set of "Rust" in the face with that gun he never pulled the trigger of, all of which has now been settled by money and filming will soon resume, Alec Baldwin was an excellent impersonator of Orange Trump on SNL and the least offensive brother of the many Baldwins. How did he go off his nib?

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