Thursday, November 3, 2022

Why chemtrails? Weather is controlled: HAARP

Matthew Landman (,,, Host G-Man Noory (, 11/2/22); Pfc. Sandoval, Seth Auberon (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Lies in the Skies Exposed
Filmmaker and activist Matthew Landman is making ongoing efforts to raise awareness about chemtrails, geoengineering, deadly GMO foods, 5G technology, and "smart" (spying) meters, most of which he considers an assault on our health and environment.

Chemtrails are aerially dispersed aerosols sprayed for various purposes. The spray's primary constituents are aluminum, barium, and strontium. Strangely, aluminum oxides and barium salts are patented fire accelerants sprayed on forests to increase wildfires in the West, Landman explains, as a way to push the narrative that "climate change" is a problem.

Look up. They're spraying us.
To combat the harmful effects that emanate from 5G, the latest mobile communication standard, Landman has developed Spero, a line of EMF-protection clothing and accessories (made of woven silver).

He also recommends taking plant-based minerals from the sea and sea moss to fend off toxins released by drones and planes dispersing chemtrails (persistent chemical trails).

All weather and many climate events are now engineered, he maintains, such as the recent floods in Pakistan, storms in Australia, and Florida's Hurricane Ian in the US. With Ian, he suggests the power elite sought to keep it away from the Tampa/St. Pete area.

Native American prophecy of trails
"There's a HAARP station there that pushes the storms they never ever get hit," he explained.

Landman is also critical of the United Nation's "Agenda 2030" plan, which he views as a way to push people out of rural America under the guise of developing sustainability goals.

Americans are being told that they can no longer live in "wildfire risk zones" and eventually they want to move everyone into "smart cities" to control the population, he asserts. More + AUDIO

FrankenSkies is an 80-minute documentary for social change regarding the solar geoengineering/chemtrail agenda that affects every living being on earth. The struggle of bringing awareness to this subject, despite the obstacles of a socially engineered populace and the military-industrial complex and its endless resources, is palpable in this awakening truth feature. It's a well-timed, eye-opening exposé that reveals the campaign to normalize chemical cloud formations using drone deployed atmospheric aerosol dispersals.

Why? "Who controls the weather controls the world." The goal is full spectrum dominance.

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