Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Native American Heritage Month: November

Timeline - World History Documentaries, 9/20/22; Xochitl, Ashley Wells (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
Native American/Indians in the Americas go back at least 10,000 years, like Aztec dancers.
The Buried Secrets of the Native American Civilizations | 1491: America Wars
This series spins [an implicitly biased] tale about Indigenous peoples of the Americas before the Spanish explorer Cristobal Columbus arrived in the Carribean and went no further, never reaching or perhaps even noticing the mainland.

Each episode uses re-enactments to show a particular subject. Viewers learn about the art, architecture, archeology, science and technology of the [estimated 100 million Native people living here when this land was "discovered" and the program of rape and extermination, ethnic cleansing and slow genocide began].

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Native American Heritage Month
The slow genocide of the original inhabitants of this land affects everyone here to this day.
(Wiki) November is "National American Indian Heritage Month," commonly referred to as Native American Heritage Month. The bill read in part that "Federal, state, and local governments, groups and organizations and the people of the United States to observe such month with appropriate programs, ceremonies and activities."
  • MAFIA: Make America Free of Indians Again
    : On Halloween 2019, Pres. Don John Trump proclaimed November 2019 as National American History and Founders Month [14] to celebrate the first European founders and colonizers of America. On October 13th of the same year, he issued a proclamation recognizing Columbus Day and not Indigenous Peoples' Day [15]. Some journalists have suggested that "National American History and Founders Month" is nothing but a racist attempt to subvert attention from National Native American Heritage Month [16] and stifle Indigenous voices [17] by announcing a celebration that can be viewed as opposing and contradictory to what National Native American Heritage Month is supposed to highlight and honor [18, 19].
At least Marlon Brando tried to right the wrongs
This landmark bill honoring America's tribal people represented a major step in the establishment of this celebration. It began in 1976 when a Cherokee/Osage Indian named Jerry C. Elliott-High Eagle authored Native American Awareness Week legislation the first historical week of recognition in the nation for native peoples.

This led to 1986 with then Pres. Reagan proclaiming Nov. 23–30, 1986, as "American Indian Week."

This commemorative month aims to provide a platform for Native people in the United States of America to share their culture, traditions, music, crafts, dance, ways, and concepts of life. This gives Native people the opportunity to express to their community, both city, county and state officials their concerns and solutions for building bridges of understanding and friendship in their local area.

Federal Agencies are encouraged to provide educational programs for their employees regarding Native American history, rights, culture and contemporary issues, to better assist them in their jobs and for overall awareness.

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