Thursday, November 10, 2022

Native American portal to other world (video)

End Times Productions, 1/24/21; Xochitl, Dhr. Seven, Pat Macpherson (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
Six-fingered Nephilim (mentioned in the Bible) can come through portals as with the Anasazi

They opened a portal into another world
(End Times Productions) Portals can be found all over the world, hiding in the most unexpected places. This is the story of the ancient Anasazi people and a mysterious ancient city in New Mexico called Chaco Canyon.

Pueblos of America are just like those of Tibet.
This place is an ancient city deep in the canyons that was mysteriously abandoned.

Archeologists say that the Anasazi people slowly migrated out of the area due to drought, but if that were the case, why would they leave their precious belonging in their houses?

The Inherent Strangeness of the Bible
The physical evidence left behind seems to suggest a hasty retreat out of the canyon. What would cause them to run and leave valuable items behind?

In this documentary, let's examine some of the legends surrounding the event and see if we can figure out what happened to the ancient Anasazi Native Americans.

They purposely opened a portal, and something came through. This is the story of the ancient Anasazi People and how the story of their disappearance is much stranger than most people have ever realized.

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