Friday, November 18, 2022

What does meditator Tom Brady eat? (video)

Gisele Bundchen; Ananda (DB Meditation), Dhr. Seven, Ashley Wells (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
We're vegan lite, loving our alkalizing diet while hating each other and working for fame.

(Wisdom 2.0, Feb. 7, 2020) Gisele Bundchen (Mrs. Tom Brady) talking about meditation backstage at Wisdom 2.0.

My diet's working great!
American football legend Mr. Gisele Bündchen/Tom Brady's health regimen includes meditation, yoga, hydrating, an 80/20 diet (meaning American psychic Edgar Cayce's 80% alkaline to 20% acidic), early bedtime, resistance training, and neuroplasticity training [547].
I've got it all and my health.
He and his Bundchen-Brady family adhere to a controversially strict diet called the "TB12 Method," which has attracted much media attention [548, 549].

Brady advocates a daily water intake in ounces of half of one's body weight in pounds and personally consumes "a couple hundred ounces" daily [550, 551]. More water means less acidity and more internal cleansing.

Gisele Bundchen (Lili Ferraz)
He avoids gluten, flour, bread, cereal, most fruits, mushrooms, tomatoes, potatoes, peppers, eggplants [members of the deadly nightshade family of plants full of harmful lectins], coffee, [ridiculous sugar drinks like] Gatorade, soda, white sugar, dairy, and white rice [552, 553].

In 2022 Brady said he prefers a diet consisting of organic food saying: "You’ve got to see the process of food being grown... If I need nutrients, I need that from [undepleted] soil" [539].

Luv me as I am, Gisele, a player
One of Brady's friends and former teammates, tight end Rob "Gronk" Gronkowski, has followed Brady and Alex Guerrero's plant-based diet since 2017 [554, 555].

Other professional athletes who follow Brady's diet include quarterback Kirk Cousins [556] and hockey player Mark Scheifele [557, 558].

Brady was raised as Roman Catholic, but in a 2015 interview with The New York Times, he expressed that he is less religious than he is spiritual [508]. In the interview he states, "I don't know what I believe. I think there's a belief system, I'm just not sure what it is" [509]. More

Let's save the planet, Tom.

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