Sunday, January 1, 2023

Buddhist meditation with Beth Upton (video)

Beth Upton (, Ven. Nyanatiloka Thera, edited by Dhr. Seven, Wisdom Quarterly

Balancing a "sense of urgency" with contentment in meditation
(Beth Upton) Dec. 26, 2022. Here awakened Buddhist teacher and former European Buddhist nun Beth Upton offers tips for balancing the "sense of urgency" (samvega) with contentment in meditation. Why trust what she has to say? It is because she is indeed a "noble friend," a kalyana-mitta on the path to enlightenment, a successful student of the great Burmese Meditation Master Pa Auk Sayadaw.

Question everything if you must, but here's how to overcome doubt.

These videos are made possible only by generous support. Please consider donating to Beth Upton's work: and follow on out more about her work at:

Shot by Alexis P.N. @GuavaFunk: Contact:

What the Buddha taught: What happens with and without noble friends like Upton?
Ven. Nyanatiloka, Buddhist Dictionary: Manual of Terms edited by Dhr. Seven, Wisdom Quarterly
We need noble friendship to progress.
Companionship (samseva): (1) "Through companionship with bad people (asappurisa-samseva) comes: listening to bad advice, thereby unwise reflection, thereby inattention and mental confusion, thereby lack of sense-control, thereby threefold bad conduct in bodily action, speech, and mind, thereby the Five Hindrances (nīvarana), thereby craving for eternal existence.

I can awaken with advice + balance.
(2) Through [wise association or] companionship with good people (sappurisa-samseva) comes: listening to good advice, thereby confidence/conviction (faith), thereby wise reflection, thereby mindfulness and clarity of consciousness, thereby sense-control, thereby threefold good conduct, thereby the Four Foundations of Mindfulness (satipatthāna), thereby the Seven Factors of Enlightenment (bojjhanga), thereby liberation through wisdom (paññā-vimutti)" (Cf. A. X 62).

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