Sunday, December 18, 2022

Time travel: live from the Year 2027 (video)

That is Impossible, 11/1/021.; Pat Macpherson, Dhr. Seven, Ashley Wells (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Meet the time-traveling candidate (
Should we cover only what we think is possible? Attorney and time traveler Andrew D. Basiago teaches us that much of what is true is currently thought impossible. But soon it's taken for granted. You know what's impossible? The iPhone, but here it is. You know what's impossible? That an orange would be (s)elected president. But we all choke on the OJ. So rather than question our gullibility, intelligence, or sanity for taking time to contemplate time and the travel thereof, consider the fact that of course time travel is possible. We're doing it right now -- as we travel into the future. It's just the going back that boggles us. But Basiago swears the technology exists and has existed for years. It's like the old joke goes, "What do we want? Time travel! When do we want it? It doesn't really matter [because once we have it we'll always have had it]." See Project Pegasus for the whistleblowing details of the US time travel program we already have.

The unexplained videos of a man who claims he is in 2027
(THAT IS IMPOSSIBLE) Narrated in 2021 by James LaFleur (IG) at the channel Jaymez.

Javier 2027: Imagine waking up one day to be the only survivor in this world and finding out you are in the Year 2027. Well, this is exactly what happened with Javier the Sole Survivor or Unicosobreviviente, who captured some of the most mind blowing and mysterious videos of what he says is a dimension between 2027 and 2021.

Unbelievable, isn't it? We've all heard of time travel or the idea that we are living inside of a simulation. At first these ideas may sound strange and mysterious; however, there are many experts that think we may actually discover time travel in the near future. Not only that, we may actually find out that the reality we live in is a simulation. Of course, these are just ideas now. But Javier promises to change our way of seeing things with his unexplained videos.

Javier is supposedly a time traveler living in the year 2027. And to this day no one can explain it. Is it real? Is it a glitch in the matrix? Is it fake? Watch this video to learn more about the scary stories Javier tells about 2027.

Welcome to the impossible channel where the most mind blowing, strange, and creepy videos are analyzed for entertainment. Two videos a week are uploaded, so expect more of the strange and mind blowing things on the internet.

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Background music: Repulsive

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