Saturday, December 31, 2022

Pope Benedict dies. Long live the other guy

TODAY, Dec. 31, 2022; Slayer "Season in the Abyss"; Eds., Wisdom Quarterly COMMENTARY
What if I look like his Dark Majesty, the source of light in the Holy Roman Empire/the Holy See?

The Nazi Pope Benedict
Beloved Pope Saint Francis is safe. If he weren't, we might cry for that guy. But Hitler Youth member, possible Satanist, and almost certainly chronic pedophile priest Pope Emeritus Benedict Arnold (born Joe Ratzinger) has died at 95 to answer a few questions at Saint Peter's gate. Will the Catholic world mourn? Not likely, not much anyway. He was very unpopular. Pope Francis may commit the same crimes, having been a loyal student of Benedict, but he's loveable in a Dalai Lama sort of way.

Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI dead at 95
(TODAY) Dec 31, 2022. The Vatican [Corporation] has announced the death of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI at the age of 95 after failing health. Ex-Pope Benedict was the first pope to resign in 600 years.

I work for Krampus, and I'm Klaus.
[But it is known he was pushed out for high crimes and misdemeanor, not only involving rampant homosexuality and perversity in the priesthood over which he presided but embezzlement and/or other high finance irregularities of the Vatican and its banking partners. He had become an unpopular liability and got to choose between hiding out in the Holy See immune from prosecution or death to save the multinational corporation embarrassment and dues paying members]. NBC’s Molly Hunter reports for Saturday TODAY. #PopeBenedict #Pope #BenedictXVI
Slayer: "Seasons in the Abyss"
(UnderstandingRock with Subtitles, May 28, 2021) The Big 4 rock concert live from Sofia, Bulgária  at the Sonisphere Festival. Band: Slayer, line-up: vocals and bass Tom Araya, lead guitar Jeff Hanneman, lead guitar Kerry King, drums Dave Lombardo.

I don't worship the Devil...that much. Who says?
Will Pope Benedict spend seasons in the abyss for his crimes, sins, and peccadillos? Do Catholic insiders even believe in a literal hell apart from separation from the God they worship? Outsiders like us, yeah, we're forced to believe in hellfire and brimstone, but the insiders, the scholars like Benedict, they almost certainly laugh at the idea that there's a real hell. There certainly must be some forms of it -- subterranean chambers where ogres and "demons" dwell torturing humans in experiments. It's not so much punishment as a result of bad karma making one susceptible to torture and experimentation by wardens down there that have their own agendas. Sure there are "spiritual hells," black dimensions, but are there not worlds of horror, like battlefields and ruined cities the US military-industrial complex traffics in around the world?

The world is fed up with Catholic hypocrisy, financial crimes, and rampant homosexual child molestation by trusted members of the clergy. But what power do the people have in a patriarchy?

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