Friday, December 23, 2022

Reign In Blood: The SLAYER Story (doc)

Reign In Blood: The Slayer Story ┃ Documentary
(RAWMUSICTV) Premiered Dec. 9, 2022 On October 7th, 1986, one of the most iconic records of a generation would send shockwaves through the music industry.

Finally, Beavis, something worth listening to!
It was such a controversial album, radio stations wouldn’t play it and Columbia Records refused to release it due to a song called "Angel of Death." Even when the record was released by Geffen, they refused to even put their logo on it.

That album would be called Reign in Blood by Slayer. Arguably the most influential thrash metal band of all time.

They’ve been attacked by religious groups, accused of being Satanic and faced a lawsuit that involved murder. Yet despite this, they are now a household name with 12 studio albums under their belt, millions of records sold worldwide, and a legacy that will surely live on through the ages.

Tori Amos improves on the hit song by switching perspective

Slayer's album covers alone were enough to trigger backlash from labels, parents, and Christian groups around the world, some of their song titles and lyrics would even have them pinned as Nazi sympathizers. We’ve seen similar stories about bands having links to Satanism when Black Sabbath arrived in 1968 and KISS in 1973 when people thought it was an acronym for "Knights In Satan's Service."

Slayer, however, played this to their advantage, they wanted to shock people, they wanted to stand out from the crowd, that’s exactly what they did, and this is their story.

When Slayer ruined the Grammys

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