Thursday, December 15, 2022

New Year Ceremony and Potluck Party (12/17)

Stella (Kinship Yoga), Ananda (DBM), Cody, Seven, Veronica, Araceli, Jen, Wisdom Quarterly

Men's Intro to Yoga at Kinship Yoga: Read reviews and book classes (ClassPass)

Stella Han leads the New Year festivities.
As the year wraps up and we move into a more spiritual, more appreciative frame of mind and heart, it's time to party FREE!

But we want to be spiritual, mindful, and intentional. So here is what we have planned for this special annual celebration, now in its seventh year:
  • Find us on Meetup
    sacred ceremony
  • meditation,
  • kirtan chanting,
  • eating (potluck),
  • gift giving,
  • yoga, 
  • entertainment,
  • prayer/contemplation,
  • holding the space,
  • discussion
  • fun

If it weren't for yoga, I think we'd be lost.
It's FREE (donations welcome) and a vegan/vegetarian potluck, with chanting led by a yogini and guest. Every activity is optional. Participate in as much or as little as is comfortable and fun. No religion or belief system necessary. Bring a Trump-loving MAGA cousin if so moved.
  • Reminder: Bring a gift, monetary or a new toy donation, for families in need. Gifts will be collected and given to charity.
We want to wrap everyone in our great heart of practice -- ahimsa (nonviolence), compassion, and gratitude for all! This out with the old and in with the New Year party begins with a ceremony celebrating the spiritual.

Strengthen, soften, live from the heart.
Then it's call and response singing called kirtan in India. There will be a gift-giving blanket spread out. Bring one or multiple gifts to put on it, even a lightly used thing to put to good use or a handmade craft or vegan chocolate chip cookies or a special object. It's not a Kris Kringle or drawing; it's sharing with one and all. We might give away good incense or crystals.

Let us eat
Potlucks (potlatches) make for diversity
: Bring a vegan/vegetarian dish to share! It's time to eat and socialize, make friends. Might even take a yoga class before the ceremony. There's a parking lot and lots of free street parking in hipster Highland Park on Figueroa near Avenue 50. Metro is nearby. FREE TO RSVP:
Bree, we should do something for the big New Year celebration, like these singing bowls.

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