Saturday, December 3, 2022

Vikings versus early Native Americans

Nutty History, Sept. 29, 2022; Xochitl, Pat Macpherson, Dhr. Seven (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

What happened to the Vikings after battling the Native Americans?
(Nutty History) As quickly as they came, they left. Stories of Vikings in North America tell of mysterious lands and foreign tribes known only as Skraelings. It was 1,000 AD.

We're the glorious Nordics here to invade!
For nearly 12,000 years, the Americas had been cut off from Eurasia. Civilizations developed on each side without knowledge that the other existed. Nearly 500 years before Cristobal Colon (aka Christopher Columbus) sailed the ocean blue, the Vikings journeyed to the Americas from Greenland and Iceland, possibly multiple times. And it wasn’t very peaceful.

Welcome back to Nutty History. Today, let’s examine the Viking fingerprints in North America, their clashes with the Native Americans, and why they disappeared almost as soon as they arrived.

Chapter Timestamps
  • 0:00 Intro to mid-roll ads
  • 0:53 First Contact?
  • 2:40 Thorvald and Thorfinn
  • 4:36 Archeologists Discover Remains of Viking Village
  • 5:57 The Goddard Penny
  • 7:08 The Vinland Sagas
  • 8:53 Where Did All the Vikings Go?
More? Wild West: Thanks for watching this video from the folks at Nutty History, who really love the support that viewers bring to each and every video. ❤️ Don't click this 👉 #vikings #nativeamerican

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