Wednesday, December 14, 2022

What is Himalayan Pink Salt? (video)

Celtic sea salt vs. Himalayan pink salt: mineral comparison + differences
(Clean Food Living) March 12, 2022. Ever wonder what the differences between Celtic sea salt and Himalayan pink [rock] salt are? This video explores in depth information about the minerals in pink Himalayan salt (an ancient sea salt mined in pristine caves in Pakistan) and the minerals in Celtic sea salt. The hostess compares Celtic sea salt minerals to pink Himalayan salt minerals in a side-by-side chart showing numeric values. Plus this video shows the many similarities and differences (other than mineral content) between the two. With this information we can determine some of the health benefits of each.
NOTE: Dear friends, please forgive my mispronunciation of Himalayas (called them Himalayans) and of Celtic. I was phonetically saying "Seltic" (like the basketball team) instead of "Keltic" 😊 Many blessings!

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