Thursday, January 19, 2023

AI on loving-kindness: ChatGPT poem

Pa Auk Sayadaw American Theravada Buddhist monk Ven. Subhuti (American Buddhist Monk: Life with Buddha Dhamma Sangha, 1/17/23); Dhr. Seven, Pfc. Sandoval (eds,), Wisdom Quarterly
This is actual artificial intelligence (AI) generated art for this post (Ven. Subhuti)
What does AI think of loving-kindness? Here's a poem.
Bhante was authorized to teach?
I asked open ai ChatGPT to write a Buddhist poem on loving-kindness (metta) in the style of Dr. Seuss. This is what I got:

With open hearts and open hands,
We spread loving-kindness across the lands.
Like ripples on a pond, it starts with one,
But soon it touches everyone.

With each kind word and thoughtful deed,
We plant the seeds of love, in hearts to breed.
For in this world of joy and pain,
Love is the balm to ease all strains.

So let us be like candles bright,
Shining our love into the night.
For in this world of dark and cold,
Love is the warmth that makes us bold.

With love in our hearts and peace in our minds,
We’ll walk the path of enlightenment to find.
For in this world of birth and death,
Love is the guide that leads us to our best.
Another [dis]asterpiece
Here's another "Buddhist poem" written by artificial intelligence (AI). It was posted by someone who commented on Facebook about the subject. Curiously, these poems only took about 3 to 5 seconds to generate.

The path to enlightenment
Is like a winding road
Through mountains tall and valleys low
With each step, we shed our load

The mind is like a monkey
Jumping from thought to thought
But with mindfulness, we can tame it
And reach inner peace, we’ve sought

Let go of all desires
And attachments will fall
Embrace the present moment
And hear the Buddha’s call

For in stillness and serenity
We’ll find true liberation
And our hearts will be filled
With boundless compassion. More:

Is he awakened after 20 years?
(WQ) What to make of it? Is AI "conscious"? Does it pass the Turing Test? Seems like a bunch of hogwash in the media except for the fact that the powers that be do not release timely information to the public but wait many decades. So what we see now has been perfected and in use -- and is now much more advanced when we're first hearing about it -- so that we are always kept in the dark about what is really going on. Hollywood's predictive programming does more to tell us what is really going on than the latest in "science" reports and press releases. So it is safe to imagine much more AI is going on than we are told, as Microsoft Corporation showed during recent layoffs and restructuring to accommodate our AI futures.

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