Wednesday, January 18, 2023

CIA-backed Death Squads in Afghanistan

Democracy Now!, 1/12/23; Pfc. Sandoval, Ashley Wells, Sheldon S. (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
The Buddha was from Afghanistan (Gandhara/Kapilavastu), Central Asia, next to proto-India
More war crimes are committed by the USA's CIA (secret service) than any other syndicate.

Night Raids: Victims of CIA-backed Afghan Death Squads known as “Zero Units” demand accountability
(Democracy Now!) Amy Goodman (Democracy Now!) speaks with journalist Lynzy Billing, whose investigation for ProPublica details how CIA-backed death squads, known as "Zero Units," have yet to be held accountable for murdering hundreds of civilians during the U.S. War on Afghanistan.

The CIA loves war, killing, controlling minds
The Afghan units, which were routinely accompanied by [Christian] U.S. soldiers, were feared throughout rural [Islamic] Afghanistan for their brutal night raids, often descending upon helpless villagers from helicopters and carrying out summary executions before disappearing.

Dalai Lama in bed with CIA
Families of victims continue to demand answers. But since the operations were directed by the CIA rather than the [formal U.S.] military, there is almost no oversight or disclosure when things go wrong.

“Many people I spoke to feel that these operations…were counterproductive and actually had turned their families against the U.S.-backed government in Kabul and against the U.S.,” says Billing.

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One Israel is better than five CIAs, admits high American official accidentally telling the truth.

Four CIA spies at the dawn of the Cold War
ADMISSION (New York Times): "cooperation between intelligence agencies of the two countries [US and Israel], a subject generally...shrouded in vagueness. Mr. [Wolf] Blitzer has some of the specifics on the record: the retired Air Force intelligence chief, Gen. George F. Keegan, told him of Israeli assistance in discovering Soviet Air Force capabilities, new weapons, electronics and jamming devices. ''I could not have procured the intelligence...with five CIAs,'' General Keegan is quoted as saying. More

American corruption threatens global security

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