Monday, January 9, 2023

Insight LA: Five Precepts in Daily Life (2/9)

Dr. Trudy Goodman, Ph.D.; Dhr. Seven, Ananda (Dharma Buddhist Meditation), Wisdom Quarterly

Embodied Integrity: Integrating the Five Precepts in Daily Life
The Five Jhana Factors oppose the Hindrances
Program details: In this 4-class series, Joslyn Hitter and Natalie Ducastelle intend to create a container where we can discover and explore our deepest values, using mindful movement and somatic (bodily) practices to align our actions with the truth in our hearts and listen to our bodies when we are veering off course.

Josyln Hitter (
This Insight Los Angeles ( class series will be exploring our worldly and busy lives. Our intention with this class offering is to create a container to bring commitments we make in our silent practice from our cushions to the world.

We can discover our deepest values and align our actions in the world with the truth in our hearts. We will be using mindful movement and somatic (bodily) practices to cultivate a wise relationship with our body so that we can learn to listen and heed its counsel when we are veering off course.

The Five Precepts are the foundation of virtue (sila) as revealed by the historical Buddha.
Even though the teachings on wise action originate in the hundreds of regulations governing Buddhist monastic culture, our intention is to make the basic Five Precepts relatable and accessible so we can walk our talk in the world.

Natalie Ducastelle (
This class is participatory, and we ask those who sign up to commit to attending all sessions as our intention is to create a supportive community where we can foster connection and accountability.

This container provides an opportunity for us all to touch the bliss of blamelessness (freedom from guilt, censure, and negative judgment).

Thursdays 5:30-7:00 pm Pacific Time:
  • Feb. 9
  • Feb. 16
  • Feb. 23
  • March 2
Suggested donation: $175

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