Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Mushroom Hunt, Wild Food Walk, L.A. (1/14)

Christopher Nyerges (; Xochitl, Dhr. Seven (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

We're looking for tree oysters. This is not them.
DETAILS:  Exact location sent upon registration ($65 or $45 for students and seniors). Saturday, January 14h, 2023, 10:00 am to 2:00 pm led by author and survivalist Christopher Nyerges in the Arroyo watershed are (near JPL).

We’ll venture into the watershed area through weeping willows and derelict waterways to see the now-greening flora of winter.
Guide to Wild Foods & Plants
We're in search of MUSHROOMS, WILD FOODS, and the unique RIPARIAN PLANTS of Tongavaar (as the Native American Tongva/Kizh called this area), now Los Angeles.

During this mushroom hunt/plant walk, we’ll learn about the unique riparian (riverside) things that grow, and the many uses of what we’ll see. We’ll see oaks, alders, sages, mulefat, mugwort, horehound, willow, nettles, and so on.

There are many other riparian plants, which we may or may not see, depending on conditions. We are sure to see many wild edibles that sprout at this time of year when it’s wet. And we should see a half dozen or so varieties of mushrooms sprouting chaotic from their beds.

The plan is to cook some of the edible ones if and when we find them. (Not all beautiful things are edible). There are always lots of surprises in store on these walks.
World's youngest mushroom expert
Bring water, and dress comfortably. This nature walk can be applied towards the School of Self-Reliance Ethnobotany certificate.
Led by prolific author, local expert, and full-time survivalist Christopher Nyerges.

How to Survive Anywhere (Christopher Nyerges)

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