Thursday, January 26, 2023

Walt's Disenchanted Kingdom (Catholic League)

The Catholic League; Team Coco; Pfc. Sandoval, Crystal Q., Sheldon S. (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

(Team Coco) The Catholic League condemns Aubrey Plaza’s movie The Little Hours, as she explains to Conan back in the summer of 2017. Members of the Catholic Church aren’t pleased with Plaza's bisexual sex comedy that stars Plaza as a chain smoking, foulmouthed nun who's into other nuns, though it ‬now seems Pope Francis wouldn't oppose it on LGBTQI grounds.

"It is trash. Pure trash." - The Catholic League
But The Catholic League has bigger rats to fry -- like the blanks down at Disney Corporation promoting a "homosexual" agenda, getting all "woke" and pro-LGBT, corrupting children when the company used to be so wholesome, selling North Americans and the world a vision of nice and safe and mostly harmless, like when it corrupted the minds of millions of little girls by making them yearn to be princesses (with no regard for what others would have to be to serve their hierarchical role as monarchs) waiting for knights on white ponies or dashing princes looking for damsels in distress to "save."

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