Monday, February 13, 2023

Nikola Tesla lives: channeled by Fran Thoman

It was an interesting weekend at the Conscious Life Expo in Los Angeles. One nondescript talk by three authors produced a most amazing meeting. We got to meet Tesla! Well, we asked his channel questions, she consulted with him, and we got answers.

The channel's name is Francesca Thoman, and she is able to answer authoritatively about Tesla, his beliefs, insights, and current interests. Yes, he's still alive, somewhere, somehow, as we all will be in the afterlife, the post-life, the next life after this.

Einstein admired the Buddha. Tesla had help.
That is not an unusual thing. It always happens until we are free (as arhats). We all live again and again, life after life. It's not the "I" exactly, as impermanence (anicca) makes it so it is not the same person yet it is not another, Rather, one follows from the other, moment to moment, so there are no two moments when we are the same. We are passing away at every moment.

But there is continuity in the process, which is impersonal (anatta) and beset by disappointment (dukkha). (These are the Three Universal Marks of Existence as explained by the Buddha, on account of which, in the ultimate sense, there is no self, no atta or atman, no ego, no personality. Nevertheless, a self is clung to in the Five Aggregates (form, feelings, perceptions, formations, and consciousness).

In the conventional sense, of course there's a self. The empty process continues life after life, and we go on in the long "continued wandering on" called samsara). So Tesla continues, or what that being in becoming is identifying with as the genius Tesla.

He still cares enough about humanity on earth to look on, wanting to share new insights into how life actually works, how matter and time work. He sees that there are four unfolded dimensions and seven or so infolded ones that are not revealed but nevertheless in operation.

Understanding this will yield a Theory of Everything, and any scientist working on these things at death will see the other dimensions and understand what could not be understood on this side at this time.

If only Tesla and Thoman could find a good mathematician to inspire now, the world would have the answer now. The equations and calculations, inspired by Tesla and articulated by Thoman, would confirm it. A unified theory is at hand, again, if only a mathematician wanting it can be found.

New physics
The spirit of Nikola Tesla shares a wide range of his original perceptions of physics in this new channeled material:
  • New concepts of time and DNA;
  • the nature of information;
  • the colors of time and the colors of space;
  • dark light;
  • intelligent light;
  • the effects of human consciousness upon reality and time.
Created from Tesla's continued fascination with the full nature of how human experience affects reality, he shares 14 articles, conveying his intelligence, compassion, and wisdom as he describes some of what he has learned on the other side of life about the nature of being human within a multidimensional universe.

Tesla presents these ideas to not only expand human perceptions and to open questions, but to give practical benefit for spiritual seekers as well through several intriguing meditations. More

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