Saturday, April 1, 2023

Learn and practice hands on healing w/ Reiki

Ananda (Dharma Buddhist Meditation), Wisdom Quarterly; Huntington Beach Reiki

The world needs healers, and our meditators need all the support they can get.

Why? Learning to relax body and mind to be able to cultivate mindfulness and insight is simple, but it's not easy.

Calling all natural sensitives and those wishing to learn to soothe the pain of suffering beings.

We'll be like the deva Avalokitesvara ("The One Who Hears the Cries of the World") raised to the status of Buddhist Goddess of Compassion: Kwan Yin (Kwannon, Guanyin, the Virg Yin Mother).
  • For CARPOOLING from LA area, please contact Seven.
There are seven main chakras along the spine
Enjoy an evening of meditation, Reiki (reiju = "attunement"), and healing. Get attuned then get right to sharing healing energy with one another.

This is a great way to meet others and practice developing healing skills. For anyone new to it, come enjoy a night of being healed. Everyone will receive an attunement (to be able to do Reiki) during this session. Everyone welcome.

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