Sunday, April 9, 2023

Buddhist Women at the Time of the Buddha

Hellmuth Hecker, Sister Khema (trans.) © 1994; Amber Larson (ed.), Wisdom Quarterly
The following stories, written in German by Hellmuth Hecker, have been translated from the German Buddhist magazine Wissen and Wandel, XVIII 3 (1972), XXLI 1/2 (1976).

While every effort has been made by the translator, Sister Vajira, to conform to the original writing, some changes had to be made for the sake of clarity.

The stories of the famous Buddhist nuns Bhadda Kundalakesa and Patacara have been enlarged and filled in.

Grateful acknowledgment is made to the Australian monk Ven. Khantipalo for his assistance in improving the style and content of this narrative.

His new translations of verses of the Therigatha and the Dhammapada from the original Pali language have helped to make these stories come alive.

It is hoped that this booklet will serve as an inspiration to all those who are endeavoring to tread in the Buddha's footsteps.

Bhikkhuni Sujata's Verses of Final Knowledge
With subtle veils adorned,
Garlands and sandalwood bedecked,
Covered all over with ornaments,
Surrounded by my servants,
Taking with us food and drink,
Eatables of many kinds,
Setting off from the house,
To the forest grove we took it all.

Having enjoyed and sported there,
We turned our feet to home
But on the way I saw and entered
Near Saketa, a monastery.
Seeing the Light of the World
I drew near, bowed to him;
Out of compassion the All-Seeing One
Then taught me Dharma there.

Hearing the words of the Great Sage,
I penetrated Truth:
The Dharma passionless,
I touched the Dharma of Deathlessness.
When the True Dharma had been known,
I went forth to the homeless life [as a nun];
The three True Knowledges are attained,
Not empty are the Buddha's Teachings!

(Therigatha 145-150) Verses of the Elder nuns. More
Abbreviations of Source References 
A .... Anguttara Nikaya
D .... Digha Nikaya
Dhp .... Dhammapada
M .... Majjhima Nikaya
S .... Samyutta Nikaya
Sn .... Sutta Nipata
Thag .... Theragatha
Thig .... Therigatha
Pac. .... Pacittiya (Vinaya)
J. .... Jataka
Ud. .... Udana
Mil. .... Milindapañha
Jtm. .... Jatakamala
Bu. .... Buddhavamsa
Divy..... Divyavadana
Ap. .... Apadana

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